Monday, January 16, 2012

Why I Don't Bike In Dallas

This article sums up the attitude of most drivers in Dallas quite nicely:
Dallas bike accident highlights need for bike lanes

I live less than 2 miles from my work and I refuse to bike to work because of the driving attitude that is pervasive here.  There's no sense of "let's get everyone where they are going today" attitude, it's a "you and everyone else is in my way - let my big SUV through!".


  1. I think they are doing a pretty good job here in Washington State about providing for bikes, but there are still legacy places you can't safely go due to car traffic. Most people never go anywhere at all without getting into a car. I guess the only way that will change is when we use up all of the oil.

  2. That sucks, Diane. Here in RD, the city just developed a bunch of new bike lanes last summer on actual roads, and upgraded several bike paths, but still we don't see all that many people biking. Walking and jogging, yes. Biking not as much.
